Read what our customers have to say about us:
David Hayes from Gloucester
"Thanks for all your help over the last few years. I know you're always there to help on the phone when I need it. - David H., Gloucester"
Paula Murphy in Dublin
"In these demanding times I feel there are many horse supplements on the market however using the products from the PEAK HORSE range gives me the confidence that I’m receiving the highest quality in supplements. PEAK HORSE supplement are highly concentrated and are of a high grade ensuring maximum effect to the horse. I recommend the PEAK HORSE supplements to all my equine clinic customers" Michael Doyle from Cork ". . . Loved the syringes - first time I've been able to feed supplements without getting covered in them! - Michael, Cork"
WIND-EZE - Opens up the airways and eases breathing
Eliminate coughs Open airways WIND-EZE is a liquid feed supplement that combines a number of substances that have an established positive effect on the upper airway. WIND-EZE works by reducing the resistance to the inflow and outflow of air to and from the horse’s respiratory system. Feed WIND-EZE to horses that show signs of stuffiness at exercise. It is also a good idea to feed WIND-EZE to horses that need more work and time to reach fitness. WIND-EZE is available in liquid form.
Sarah Arquette from France
"I continuously use PEAK HORSE supplements as I am extremely happy with the quick results and I am very content with their staff and their professional ability is second to none. They deliver their supplements when they say they’re going to deliver them, and I’m never let down. Most of their products are in a liquid or paste form therefore I find the horses I train gain the benefits a lot quicker than other forms. Their success is in the quality of their product" Belinda Sewell from Surrey, UK "the syringes are brilliant as I dont have to give my jumper his supplements in his feed. This is especially important as I want him to have all the benefits of his PEAK product but not have a feed before his event"
PEAKS - Strong Pre and Post competition electrolyte
Replace lost fluids Give orally after racing PEAKS is designed to replace electrolytes that are quickly lost through racing and hard work. PEAKS is a blend of essential electrolytes, vitamin C and E and Glycine (Amino Acid) in highly concentrated form. Feeding PEAKS restores a horse’s electrolyte level if excessive sweating, saliva production, and/or diarrhoea occurs. Acute need is indicated by: Travel induced stress, increased work rates, hot weather or infections resulting in excessive sweating and/or diarrhoea. PEAKS is available in liquid form and can either be fed directly using the oral syringe provided or mixed in a feed. When feeding PEAKS ensure that the horse has access to water at all times.
DIGEST+ - Super Probiotics - enhances the digestion and keeps the gut healthy
A strong preventative for gastric ulcers Improves stomach environment Improves digestion Improves condition and performance DIGEST+ is a natural feed-supplement that is designed to improve feed conversion within the digestive process. DIGEST+ provides a dose of highly effective bacteria, which secret enzymes that break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into easily absorbed nutrients. DIGEST+ also provides probiotic bacteria that help prevent pathogenic bacteria from becoming harmful. DIGEST+ comes in powder form and is used to be fed on a continuous basis. It comes in conjunction with an oral syringe DIGEST+ Boost which is given to condition the gut prior to the powder feed process. DIGEST+ Boost also works to control gut acidity and alkalinity. - See more at:
DIGEST+ Boost - A concentrated paste of probiotics
Given for up to a week as a concentrated course of probiotics Used to restore a healthy stomach environment An essential follow-up to any antibiotic treatment to get the gut back to normal DIGEST+ Boost is available in 35g syringes.
COPPERFAST - A well thought out copper combination in a paste
Encourages healthy bone, hair & hoof growth Helps bring on good condition Helps increase overall health & stamina Can help to prevent muscle disease Beneficial in areas where land is copper deficient Copper is an essential mineral for horses and as many pastures are copper deficient, correct supplementation is essential. COPPERFAST is a new formulation of copper, quickly absorbed into the system with added Zinc, Vitamin E & Selenium. COPPERFAST augments the level of copper in the blood, which is an essential ingredient in bone growth. Copper also acts as a catalyst in the assimilation of iron, which is required for the production of haemoglobin in the liver. It is a main component of connective tissue metabolism. Research indicates that copper enzymes may also have a role in 'mopping-up' free radicals, which can contribute to muscle dysfunction caused by lactic-acid build-up. COPPERFAST comes in gel form in 35 g oral syringes *Before feeding COPPERFAST it is essential to establish that a copper deficiency actually exists.
EQUI-HEEL - Your first aid in a cream – for cuts, mud rash, skin irritations
Incredible healing for any type of wound Heals and leaves no scar, hairs grow back as normal Fantastic results on mud rash Very good for sore heals EQUI-HEEL is an ointment for use on any area where skin has been harmed and for horse’s skin that is exposed to wet and muddy conditions. It maintains its effect in adverse ground conditions. EQUI-HEEL contains extract of plantain, marigold oil and natural vitamin E. EQUI-HEEL is available in 500 g tubs.
SHIN-EZE - A regenerative gel for tendons, joints and soft tissue
The best gel for sore shins Regenerate heat to injuries Increase blood flow to injuries Unique – For both hard and soft tissue SHIN-EZE is a gel that works to reduce shin discomfort which is often associated with exercising and/or competing on hard ground or strong exercise activity for young horses that are still growing. SHIN-EZE contains a combination of extracts of comfrey root, marigold oil and menthol. The extracts of comfrey root, which include tannin, assist in the maintenance of proper cell metabolism under adverse conditions. Marigold oil and menthol act locally to maintain good blood flow SHIN-EZE can also be used in conjunction with COOL-IT to help soothe any discomfort in joint, tendon and soft tissue caused by incidents of over-work. SHIN-EZE is available in 500 g.